Negative spirits, curses and black magic

While there are various kinds of spirits out there, the primary ones which afflict humanity are known collectively as djinn and these are ones that Lia specialises in removing.

Djinn are found everywhere throughout the world and are a specific hierarchy of non-human spirits that - if they attach themselves to someone - will over time to be troublesome, cause health issues and act as energy parasites.

Curses and black magic typically cause djinn to do harm against the victim. The difference is that with black magic and curses, the djinn is compelled or programmed to relentlessly attack the victim, even causing death in some cases. Whereas with normal spirit attachment, the effect is usually less severe.

The effects of having a djinn attached to you

Most of the time it might not be obvious at all unless it’s caused by a curse or black magic, in which case it will usually be much worse. The main effects of having a djinn might be any of the following:

  • constant negative or self-critical thoughts

  • uncharacteristic bad moods / anger / depression / anxiety

  • strange & unpleasant dreams on a semi-regular basis

  • interrupted sleep without a good reason

  • people often taking a dislike to you for no apparent reason

  • arguments which don’t seem to have a reasonable cause

  • strange & unpleasant dreams on a semi-regular basis

  • feeling unmotivated or even depressed with no significant cause

  • unreasonable cravings e.g. for alcohol, eating excessive food, etc

  • unexplained health problems such as shoulder pain, back pain or even digestive problems

  • in the longer term, an attached spirit can cause serious health problems & worsen existing problems - even chronic disease (e.g. cancer) which can be fatal.

Rarer symptoms:

  • unreasonable levels of anger or even irrationally violent behaviour

  • bizarre behavior which the person regrets later (as in “I don’t know what got into me”)

  • hearing voices - unpleasant or critical ones (even if they sometimes seem positive)

  • unexplained changes in the personality

  • self-harm is a very typical sign of an exgtremely troublesome djinn at work

  • also children crying inconsolably for hours for no apparent reason

Very occasionally, some people can sense the djinn or hear its voice and can feel that the djinn is a friend or advisor of some kind, but in the long run they will find that it will turn against them if they don’t follow its wishes. If people don’t hear their voices, their suggestions often come through as thoughts implanted in your mind, and people easily mistake these suggestions as their own thoughts.

So what are djinn exactly?

The term djinn covers a wide range of spirits that are in a completely separate line of evolution from humanity. They have no physical body, but paradoxically can affect the physical world in various ways. The main thing about them is that they completely invisible to people apart from highly clairvoyant people or young infants. Many of them can seem somewhat similar to humans in some ways (they have arms and legs and some kind of head) but apart from that, they look very different to us. Some types of djinn have human-looking forms while others have animal forms such as strange-looking dogs, insects etc and some look much scarier than others. According to Lia, the worst ones are the stuff of nightmares to look at - e.g. they can have dark holes where the eyes should be, their skin can look like it’s already rotting, etc.

Normally, the djinn live in nature and make their home in trees and roam around as they please. As forests are cut down, they have no choice but to move into peoples homes. Even a djinn in nature can often be a attracted to a person for some reason and end up attaching itself to that person.

While a small number of djinn are decent and helpful to people, the vast majority are not at all conducive to the well-being of humans and should be regarded as energy parasites. This is because whether they live in a tree or attached to a human, they live off their host’s energy. Humans are particularly attractive to them, as djinn get even more energy from our negative emotions. They have the ability to influence people’s minds in order to get access to more energy, and this is why they often create anger, fear, anxiety, stress, depression, addiction and even illness in order to be able to extract more energy from people they are attached to. The rule is - if a djinn has attached itself to you, it’s definitely not one of the good ones. The good ones respect people and do not act as parasites.

Typically all traditional cultures knew about djinn and had specific practices for protecting people from them. Christianity, Islam and Hinduism all mention them clearly in their scriptures and the need to cast them out of people. In Christianity, in Luke chapter 9 it specifically states that Jesus empowered his disciples to clear spirits from people as well as to heal all diseases.

How does Lia see djinn?

It has been very helpful that Lia has always been quite clairvoyant since she was a child - but even so, she had study under a spiritual master in Indonesia to improve her clairvoyance further to be able to see the djinn clearly and especially also to have the spiritual power to be able to remove them safely from people who have them attached. It would probably take a normal person many, many years of spiritual practices to get somewhere near this level.

Lia says that if people could see the djinn that attach themselves to people, they would be shocked at their scary appearance - though some are definitely much worse than others.

How do people end up with djinn attached to them?

There are so many ways people can pick up djinn and it’s just a natural hazard out there - much like roses easily get afflicted by aphids. The main ways people get djinn attached to them are:

  • by getting run down & having low energy

  • by getting depressed / stressed

  • by being cursed by an ex-partner etc

  • by being targeted by black magic

  • by giving healing (e.g. reiki) without proper protection (picking up the client’s djinn)

All of us have a natural level of spiritual protection which is our aura or energy field. When we are feeling healthy and positive, the aura is stronger and more protective. When we are run down or depressed etc, the aura gets weaker and is far less protective. Also if people get drunk on alcohol, the aura becomes highly permeable and can allow djinn to enter. The more unpleasant djinn seem to be actively attracted to people who are stressed, feeling down etc.

Many adults end up with at least one spirit attached to them as most of us go through difficult times at some stage. People can even have multiple djinn attached to them, though there will typically be one larger djinn and other smaller ones.

Another main way people get a djinn attached to them is via black magic. This is very common all throughout asia but not very common in the west. Black magic typically is done by a specialist practitioner who does a ritual to send a djinn to attack someone and harm them in some way. Some black magic practitioners work with such powerful spirits that they can cause people to die and many stories came back to England about this during the colonial era. But typically people affected by black magic will just notice ongoing health problems and lots of bad luck - and will have no idea what the source of the problem is.

And lastly, Lia mentioned that it’s very easy for healing practitioners to pick up djinn from their clients if they don’t have specific techniques to protect themselves. As Lia says, unless they have a highly qualified teacher to guide them, when many healers start out they are happy because their clients feel a lot better, but the healer doesn’t realise that they’ve now taken on their client’s djinn! Fortunately Lia is able to protect herself from them. The more aggressive ones try to lash out at her energetically when she’s clearing them off people, but it doesn’t affect her very much.

Places that djinn are attracted to

Djinn typically love places that are eerie, dirty or otherwise unpleasant for people such as:

  • graveyards

  • deserted buildings

  • dirty or messy places

  • bad smelling places

  • toilets

  • anywhere where menstrual blood is found

Because such spirits are especially attracted to menstrual blood, this is the reason why indigenous cultures often have strict rules for protecting menstruating women and do not allow them to enter graveyards. This is often misunderstood nowadays, but it’s not a judgement on menstruating women. It’s simply to protect women from these spirits, especially as many women often feel weaker or unwell during this time. Lia definitely recommends that women should avoid cemeteries and take particular care during menstruation.

Djinn and psychiatric problems

While the field of modern psychiatry is mostly ignorant of the djinn, some mental health workers have become aware of negative spirits being the problem for many patients.

If you’re interested, below is pretty mind-blowing interview with psychotherapist Jerry Marzinsky who is a pioneer in this field. He spent years working in prisons with schizophrenic inmates and when he started surveying what the voices in their head were telling them, he realized that the voices were not random hallucinations but that they had a common agenda across all patients- i.e. to run them down and cause them distress. He even found ways to help the prisoners fight back against them and notably he discovered that reciting holy prayers and other techniques could eventually over time make these entities go away. So this ties very well in with what Lia is doing. Fortunately Lia’s way of clearing these spirits is very quick comparison to what is described here.

Please note that this interview covers the most extreme end of the problems that people can get. But even so, a lot of the information Jerry explains here is still very relevant to understanding the wider issues people have with djinn.